- Lynn Spigel, “The Suburban Home Companion: Television and the Neighborhood Ideal in Postwar America,” in Sexuality and Space , ed. Beatriz Colomina (N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press, 1992): 184-217
217: “[T]he utopian dreams of space-binding and social sanitation that characterized television’s introduction in the fifties is still a dominant cultural ideal. Electronic communications offer an extension of those plans a s private and public spaces become increasingly intertwined through such media as home computers, fax machines, message units, and car phones. Before considering these social changes as a necessary part of an impending ‘electronic revolution’ or ‘information age,’ we need to remember the racist and sexist principles upon which these electronic utopias have often depended. The loss of neighborhood networks and the rise of electronic networks is a complex social phenomenon based on a series of contradictions that plague postwar life. Perhaps being nostalgic for an older, more ‘real’ form of community is itself a historical fantasy. But the dreams of a world united by telecommunications seems dangerous enough to warrant closer examination. The global village, after all, is the fantasy of the colonizer, not the colonized.”
- Edmund Carpenter, “Remembering Explorations,” Canadian Notes and Queries 46 (1992): 3-14
- Heim, Michael. “The Computer as Component: Heidegger and McLuhan.”Philosophy and Literature 16.2 (1992) 304-19.
- Landow, George. Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1992.
- MacMillan, Robert. “Marshall McLuhan at the Mercy of His Commentators.”Philosophy of the Social Sciences 22.4 (1992): 475-91.
- McCafferey, Steve and bpNichol. Rational Geomancy: The Kids of the Book Machine (The Collected Research Reports of the Toronto Research Group 1973-1982.) Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1992.
- Vattimo, Gianni. The Transparent Society . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1992.
14-15: “The intensification of communicative phenomena and the increasingly prominent circulation of information, with news flashed around the world (or McLuhan’s ‘global village’) as it happens, are not merely aspects of modernization amongst others, but in some way the centre and very sense of this process. This hypothesis obviously recalls McLuhan’s theory that a society may be defined according to the technologies it has at its disposal. In this case, it is not meant generally, but in the specific sense of technologies of communication. In speaking of a ‘Gutenberg Galaxy,’ therefore, we draw attention not merely to one aspect, however essential, of modern and contemporary societies, but rather to the essential character of these types of societies.”